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The scholars differ about the law to sleep when praying. Sleep is meant here is certainly not intentional, but because so sleepiness. Related laws, this answer to Al-Mawardi in Al-Hawi Al-Kabir:
وأما القسم الذي اختلف قوله في وجوب الوضوء منه من أقسام النوم فهو النوم في الصلاة فإن نام في موضع الجلوس كانت صلاته جائزة ووضوءه جائز. وإن نام في غير الجلوس إما في قيامه أو في ركوعه أو سجوده ففي بطلان وضوئه وصلاته قولان: أحدهما: وهو قوله في القديم إن وضوءه صحيح وبه قال ثمانية من التابعين..والقول الثاني: قاله في الجديد أن وضوءه قد انتقض وصلاته قد بطلت
That is, "Among the issues debated scholars is a duty wudu 'for people to sleep when praying. When his time sitting, praying and wudhu'nya remains convicted validity. But if do not sleep in a sitting position, such as standing, bowing and prostrating, there are two opinions: the first, wudu 'and prayers continue to be valid according to qaul qadim and supported by the opinion of eight thabi'in. Meanwhile, according to qaul jadid, wudu 'and prayers void. "
Ulama differences of opinion concerning the law to sleep when prayer: if prayer and wudhu'nya still judged valid or not. According to most scholars, people who fell asleep still considered valid if the prayers in a sitting position.
But in addition to a sitting position, such as standing, bowing and prostrating, there are two opinions: qaul qadim menghukumi remain valid and qaul jadid menghukumi canceled. Allaah knows best. (Hengki Ferdiansyah)
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