Bandidos Motorcycle Club and Some Existing in Indonesia

Bandidos is one of the club's biggest motorcycle in the world than the Hell's Angels, Outlaws, Mongols, and many others, it is the existence of these clubs in the eyes of the world it was very bad, here seklumit journey of several motorcycle clubs: 1. Hell's Angels: Established around 1940-1950 in California, its spread has been very global. In the United States, Russia, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa simply have not.

Patch her, Dead Head, taken from the logo of the 85th Fighter Squadron and the 55 2nd Medium Bomber Squadron. With all the work of illegal (and myth) is very crazy, most spotlight are events at Altamont Free Concert at Altamont Speedway, December 1969 when the Hells Angels so bodyguard of The Rolling Stones and riots with the audience, one bystander were killed there, and many other things that make this bike club is in fear.

2. Outlaw: one of the oldest motorcycle clubs in the United States can even call in the world. Beginning in 1935, at the bar Matilda's, Route 66. pacth his skull (that is not scary) crossed two pistons (bride bone). With a club that has reached the age of 77 years, no wonder wonder chapter of its spread throughout the USA, has even set up some capter in several countries such as: Australia, Asia, Europe and South and North America (Canada). His illegal business very much, and be a role model of the business of other motorcycle clubs, ranging narcotics, firearms, prostitution, extortion etc.

3. Mongols: Otherwise known by the Mongol Nation or Mongol Brotherhood, formed in 1969 in Montebello, California from Hispanic bikers were denied entry Hells Angels MC because of their race. Now, many chapters Mongols in the western United States, and also in Canada, Mexico and even Italy. In 2008, there were 4 agents ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms), a federal law enforcement agencies are the United States, Mongols MC infiltrate and expose all illegal activities of this club. While 38 were arrested, including the Mongols MC president, Ruben Cavazos Doc. Not only that, from then on, all associated with the Mongols MC banned from use in public.

4. Bandidos: Founded in San Leon, Texas, in 1966 by several veterans of the Vietnam war. Patch Bandidos look cute, cartoon Mexico uses a sombrero with a machete in his left hand and a pistol in his right hand. But the funny thing is their patch, make people who see fear. About 90 chapters of its spread across the United States, not including its chapter on Asia, Germany and Australia. Bandidos weve had a long history of brutal, activity, and criminal. Tell me what is evil, Bandidos certainly never did, and who had become the subject of discussion, the incident in 2006, when the murder of a famous boxer, who turned out to be members of rival weight, Hell's Angels MC.  


In 2009 there came the news that the Bandidos would open capter in Indonesia, this very controversy some motor clubs in Indonesia, as quoted in detikOto presence motorcycle club foreigners in Indonesia in about by some senior club officials mOGE "Beware of gangs motor current, especially motorcycle gangs abroad who wish to open an affiliate in the country, it could jeopardize the country we, "for this community or club motor current image is good enough in the eyes of society. And do not let the image of the motorcycle community a bad back with these motorcycle gangs. "What will happen to us when the motorcycle clubs actually opening chapter in Indonesia," said one high-ranking club renowned moge against detikOto.  

Even one of the club officials moge very famous in Indonesiapun told detikOto Bandidos motorcycle club open chapters in Indonesia it must pass through the existing provisions, is not that easy. Moreover, slanted news about them spread widely on the Internet. "In addition, when a foreign motorcycle club is open chapter in Indonesia that must accompany the approval of motorcycle clubs that stand today."  

In the month of November 2011 on youtube seen video Bandidos do rolling thunder from Jakarta to Bali, and on January 27, 2012 in one of the famous automotive sites in Indonesia that the Bandidos doing an event with clubs MOGE in Indonesia. Here it is clear that the club renowned MOGE has been received in Indonesia, and on the official website owned Bandidos club already has capter in Indonesia.   

Hopefully with the establishment of Bandidos in Indonesia gives a good impression in the eyes Anak Bangsa Indonesia, unlike what is told in the eyes of the world community today. Salam Anak Bangsa 

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