Law Handshake After Prayer

Society archipelago known for modesty, decency, and softness. They are identical with the clever bersosial and not typical individual societies. Compactness Nusantara society is also reflected in the religious traditions on which they run.

Proven most of their religious tradition is done collectively (congregation) and has a social function that is strong enough. For example the tradition of shaking hands after the prayer.

This habit is common found in the community. After the prayer congregation they greeted each other with each other with a handshake. There is also dhikr and pray first, then just shake. This shows how society akurnya archipelago and this tradition as well as to foster and strengthen fraternal familiarity.

For some people, especially those who have forgotten the traditions of the archipelago and too long in the land, tradition to shake hands after the prayer is considered heresy and should not be done. But according to An-Nawawi, handshake after prayers included allowed heresy (heresy al-mubahah), even when aiming for friendship sunnah. In a collection of his fatwa, Fataawa al-Imam An-Nawawi, he said,

المصافحة سنة عند التلاقي, وأما تخصيص الناس لها بعد هاتين الصلاتين فمعدود في البدع المباحة (والمختار)أنه إن كان هذا الشخص قد اجتمع هو هو-قبل الصلاة- فهو بدعة مباحة كما قيل, وإن كانا لم يجتمعا فهو مستحب, لأنه ابتداء اللقاء

That is, "The handshake is sunnah when meeting. The habits of the people who are shaking hands after two prayers (dawn and Asr) classified as heresy is allowed. Told heresy permissible if the person who had met to shake hands before prayer. But if it is not met, then shaking hands is sunnah because it includes part of the relationship. "

Thus, the tradition of longstanding shake in society archipelago is not the despicable heresy, but can be classified hasanah heresy. In fact, according to An-Nawawi, this tradition can be regarded as kesunahan especially if the person who held his hands had never met before. Allaah knows best. (Hengki Ferdiansyah)

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