Masya Allah...., Just Because Bring Ember, His sin Pardoned
Among the things that can soften the hard hearts are reading the Koran and their first understand its meaning, and also read the Sunnah. Among the simple things moving is the story in Sahih al-Bukhari, hadith number 7019, a history of Abdullah ibn Umar, the Prophet recalled a moment:بينا أنا على بئر أنزع منها إذ جاء أبو بكر وعمر, فأخذ أبو بكر الدلو, فنزع ذنوبا أو ذنوبين, وفي نزعه ضعف, فغفر الله له"One time, I was in a well is pulling the bucket. Suddenly Abu Bakr and Umar came. Abu Bakr then draw a pail or bucket and two in the lug seen no weakness. Then God also forgives. "
Ya Rabb, beautiful. Imagine, this is a very simple thing. The Prophet as president at the time, pull the bucket from the well. Also his noble companions, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr, came to help attract one or two buckets. And he pulled it with their weaknesses. Masha Allah. Of weakness, God forgive him. Allahul Ghaffar!So, let us contemplate. For the father, for example, when weak and tired for a living, or working, or especially after the Muslim teaching science are useful, of your weaknesses, God forgive. God saw anyone attempt. And Allah is softer than all the tenderness of mothers towards children dijamak.The more so for mothers, gentleness and exhausted they berganjar reward.Look. After knowing Abu Bakr weakened and forgiven by God, then what the Prophet told:ثم أخذها عمر بن الخطاب من يد أبي بكر, فاستحالت في يده غربا, فلم أر عبقريا من الناس يفري فريه, حتى ضرب الناس بعطن"Then Umar bin al-Khattab took it from the hands of Abu Bakr. Suddenly turned into a large bucket. Not once did I see a genius who labor as persistent as his persistence (ie Umar), so that people can drink in full. "Sayyiduna Umar, is a powerful physique. In addition, the tenacity he provides many benefits for the Muslims. So let bercontoh to him, at his persistence. How many men burly, actually bounce them substandard maleness matter of persistence. Men need to be persistent, until he could benefit a lot of Muslims.May God give taufiq in charity and our work.Source:
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